That was my case when I switched apartments. I had purchased a full suite of pricey Philip Hue lights in an effort to create the ultimate smart home space. I had no regrets with the investment, knowing I could take them with me when I left. In the process of moving out, I unscrewed my smart light bulbs from the permanent fixtures and peeled the smart light strips off from beneath my counters, packing them all up carefully to migrate to my next abode. While I had no issue reinstalling the light bulbs in my new apartment, the light strip gave me trouble. The adhesive layer remained on the strip, but it lost all its tackiness. Opting for a quick fix, I attempted to mount it beneath my console with the leftover Command strips from hanging up framed posters. “Attempted” is the key word, since it didn’t work. Neither did the packing tape nor Velcro stickers I had laying around. I would press the light strip with all my might to the table, but a few hours later, I’d find it fallen and tangled on the floor. The tape didn’t come with much instructions, but I did what I knew to be correct from installing other adhesive products and cleaned down the surface beneath my table. Then I cut the tape to size from the 9.85-foot roll, securing one side of the tape directly to my light strip. Finally, I peeled back the film on the outward-facing side of the tape and pressed it against the furniture with considerable force. And just like that, I salvaged my fancy Philip Hue lights. This set cost $80, so I was glad to give them another life. What’s more, I have plenty of tape left over, so if I move again or replace that table I know I can reposition them easily. Looking for more ways to spruce up your space on a budget? Here’s how a $17 gadget automated a garage with no hassles. Also, be sure to check out our favorite smart home devices and gifts for a smarter home for more IoT inspiration.